Les Grands Ballets. Montreal Place des Arts

“Танец-это скульптура в движении” Морис Бежар, балетмейстер

“Вот это настоящая победа! Пускай себе свистят и беснуются! Внутренне они уже чувствуют ценность, и свистит только условная маска. Увидите следствия.” Николай Рерих о провальной премьере “Весны священной” 1913 года.

Photos from GB website

“КАРМЕН” в истории живописи

World Beauty Day

“Боль проходит, а красота остаётся” Пьер-Огюст Ренуар

Коко Шанель- “Мода — это то, что выходит из моды”

“America. Between Dreams and Realities”

“Featuring about 100 paintings, photographs, sculptures, and video works by more than 80 artists drawn from the permanent collection of the Hirshhorn Museum–the Smithsonian Institution’s national museum of modern art–this exceptional survey offers a broad overview of modern and contemporary American art. Moving from the early twentieth-century through to the present day, it charts the evolving significance of social and political contexts to the making of art in America.  

Artworks by luminaries as varied as Louise Bourgeois, Edward Hopper, Arthur Jafa, The Guerilla Girls, Willem de Kooning, Ana Mendieta, Louise Nevelson, Isamu Noguchi, Jackson Pollock, Lorna Simpson, and Andy Warhol register the impact of major cultural and historical happenings, ranging from the Great Depression to the Civil Rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s to our contemporary moment.”

Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (MNBAQ) is presenting from June 9 to September 5, 2022.