Dog-Friendly Restaurant

Ресторан для собак “Dogs Welcome”. Роспись стены в детской комнате. Автор проекта – Саня Стешкина 10 лет

Окончание работы посвящается предстоящему в Москве “World Dog Show”  

TOYOTA dream car art contest

The Car of the Future… Let Your Child’s Imagination Ride Far

2015 Finalist Block
2015 Finalist Block

Entry Period: November 2, 2015 – February 26, 2016
Contest Theme: Your Child’s Dream Car
Age Categories: (1) Under 8 years old; (2) 8-11 years old; (3) 12-15 years old

The Local Contest:

  • Awards: 1st – 3rd places from 3 categories (9 total finalists)
  • Prizes:
    • 7″ 8GB Tablet device (with Wi-Fi)
    • Opportunity to participate in the world contest (winning Canadian entries will be submitted to Toyota Motor Corporation as Canada’s representatives)

The World Contest:

  • Awards: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Finalist, Special award (30 total finalists)
  • Prize: Invitation and an all-expenses paid trip to the award ceremony in Japan, August 2016 (for award winners and both parents/legal guardian for each winner)

Artwork Submission:

  • Child’s Design must never have been previously selected as a winner in any other contest.
  • To be eligible for entry in this Contest, your Child’s Design must meet the following specific requirements:
    • The Design must be drawn and submitted on paper measuring 8.5 to 12 inches (215 mm to 300 mm) by 11 to 18 inches (280 mm to 450 mm)
    • The Design must be a hand-drawn, coloured illustration with a background and must not be created, altered or otherwise enhanced in a digital manner. Any non-digital artistic medium (any paint including waterpaint, colour markers, crayons, etc.) may be used by your Child to create his/her Design

      Dream car art contest 2016
      Dream car art contest 2016

For an anniversary performance

К пятилетию первого спектакля театра “В гостях у сказки”

В гостях у сказки

Репетиции сценок по басням С. Михалкова. Новый состав актеров в спектакле: Лада и Артем Тимошевы, Вика и Артур Карповы и Кира Галлингер.

Fall semester studio 2015

Новогодняя композиция в подарок

Рыцарский турнир “Лед и пламя”

Пираты. Настенное панно. Эскизы

Эксперимент. Извержение вулкана

Награждение костюмов “HANDMADE”

Под музыку Шопена и Чайковского

Овощное танго

Осенний День рождения 

Ода тыкве

Студия-тур  для новеньких

 Арбузник. Основы дизайна

Debutante congratulations!

Поздравляем Юлю Тимошеву, выпускницу студии 2011/13, с поступлением на программу “Paint Nite Ottawa” в качестве художника-инструктора.

С дебютом!

Colours of Jazz

The Beaver Hall Group
1920s Modernism in Montreal 
October 24, 2015, to January 31, 2016

“The Beaver Hall Group, although initially considered to be a Montreal counterpart to Toronto’s Group of Seven, stood apart through their work: rather than offering an image of Canadian identity through depic­tions of the untamed landscapes of a northern country, the Montreal artists imbued the inhabited landscapes of a northern culture with the colours of mod­ernity.

They also painted many portraits that convey this same quest for mod­ernism; these works rank among the most remarkable in the history of Canadian art. The male-female parity within the group — a first in Quebec as in Canada — is another resolutely modern trait.

The exhibition shows how the question of gender goes hand in hand with the idea that the group’s diversity fuelled rich and fruitful exchanges. Although short-lived, the Beaver Hall Group provided rich soil for abundant and substantial art-making, now inextricably linked with the history of art in Montreal, Quebec and Canada.” /MMFA/

Не пропустите!

Сongratulations to our finalist

Награждение дипломом финалиста международного молодежного движения ” Мы хотим жить в мире” ученицы арт-студии центра “Родник”  Наталии Галлингер 11 лет за коллаж “Как прекрасен этот мир”

Поздравляем финалиста конкурса и  желаем новых побед!